



苏州绿锤环保材料有限公司是美国Solomon Colors集团驻中国官方代表处,专门从事艺术装饰混凝土的专业公司.其产品包括:混凝土渗透型液体硬化剂,收光增效剂,染色剂,着色剂,密封剂等.随着Solomon Colors产品系列在中国的推广, 使用其产品的地坪承建商及施工单位可以更好的引领中国地坪市场. 目前阶段,我司着重推广所罗门集团旗下两大品牌Lythic(力西克)Brickform(砖形)的相关产品.包括:混凝土抛光系列产品”Day One”收光增效剂,Lythic(力西克)渗透型液体硬化,以及Brickform(砖形)染色剂和着色剂. 世界上58%的混凝土都用在了中国的工程项目中(HTTP:/ / www.cembureau/水泥/关键事实数据). 我们在国内诚邀合作伙伴来作为我司的分销商,精诚合作,向国内市场推广优质的地坪系列产品. Solomon Colors向全球混凝土艺术地坪行业提供较专业的产品.

随着目前中国建筑业仍在进一步的发展,我们正全力致力于开拓中国市场, 我们深知国内市场竞争激烈,但我们了解市场,以及我们产品的优势所在. 我们以质量为核心,选用我们的地坪产品会让您在客户面前赢得良好的口碑.


We love concrete. Our company specializes in “green” environmental friendly flooring products.

We are the official representative office of Solomon Colors in China. With the Solomon Colors family product line now availabe in China, flooring contractors and companies can completely dominate the flooring industry in China. Currently we specialize in polished concrete with Day 1 trowelling aid + Lythic densifyer and Brickform Dyes and Stains. Seeing as more than 58% of the world’s concrete is used in China(http://www.cembureau.be/about-cement/key-facts-figures), Green Hammer focuses on finding adequate and competant companies to distribute for Green Hammer, Solomon Colors produts are the best products in the world for finishing and essentially beautifying concrete surfaces. 

We’re hungry for the new China building market, which is expected to still have a decade of massive building construction(http://www.gatesnotes.com/About-Bill-Gates/Concrete-in-China). China’s local competition is fierce, but we understand the market, and understand the weaknesses in our local competition. We are driven by quality, and our quality floors is what will make the difference for Green Hammer and your company's success.

Green Hammer is simply to be an information source and massive technical department/source for all of our contractors/applicators/Distributors.


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